Mother-in-law's Sawtooth Star Quilt
This is the completed saw tooth star quilt which was a gift for my mother-in-law. She loves to snuggle under it while she watches TV.
As I mentioned already, this was the second sawtooth star quilt top I made last fall. I loved the batik colors in the first quilt top, but it didn't have quite the look I wanted to achieve for her. This photo really doesn't do the quilt justice. The colors in this photo are not very accurate. The greens don't show up very well here at all.
The finished quilt is 54 1/2" X 61 1/2". The quilt blocks are all 7 inches square. The actual pattern directions in the magazine produced tiny 4 inch blocks, but after making several that size, I decided it would take forever to make a decent sized quilt top at the rate, so my husband helped me to figure out the math to increase the block size to 7 inches. Like I mentioned before, I like to take a pattern sometimes and make it my own, change it to suit what I need in a quilt at that time.
This quiltt has a forest green inner border ( not black like the photo seems to show) which is 1 3/4 inches wide. The outer border is a green floral fabric, with tea pots and tea cups on it, 5 inches wide. The stars are mostly lavendar and purple with some pink flowers as well. The edging is the same dark forest green as the inner border. I was quite pleased with the finished result. Wish I would have remembered to take a photo of the back, though. It was really pretty fabric.
To be honest, I haven't made a quilt yet, that I didn't like! LOL! There's always something that you think could be improved or different, but overall it gives me a real sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when I've completed at quilt! I like to hang it over the back of the rocking chair in the family room for a week or so just to see it and admire it before I give it away. I hope that doesn't sound too egotistical! :)
And yes, I said 'Give it away." Most of the quilts I have made were gifts for someone else.
How many have I made so far? Oh, but, I'm getting ahead of myself! LOL!
In between the sunflower quilt from my first blog and the two 9 patch pizzaz quilts mentioned in the second blog , there were 7 other quilts! (Yep, 7! That's not a typo! ) They were all little baby sized quilts, approximately 36" X 36", but almost as much work as a regular quilt to plan, execute and finish!
Oh, and I forgot to mention the 4 sets of place mats with matching runners I made for Christmas '08 ... and the 4 tote bags? Yup! I have been busy quilting up a storm in the last 3 years! LOL!!!
The Lone Quilter
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