Star Wars Quilt for a Special Boy May 4/ 2019
My 7year old (almost 8) grandson needed a bigger quilt. His toddler sized monster trucks quilt was too small. I asked him what he wanted on it and he said "Star Wars"! So I set about looking at fabrics and patterns and trying to find one I could make him.
After looking at a variety of patterns I decided on Tribal Vibe pattern from McCall's quick quilts - Oct. Nov. 2014 issue (pages 20-22).
It has a variety of large 12" snowball blocks (which would showcase the Star Wars fabric well) in between 12 " chain blocks.
I also downloaded some paper pieced Star Wars block patterns, a 12 inch Ti fighter pattern, a Darth Vader block pattern and an appliqued R2D2 block pattern :
tie fighter block
I made 15 nine patch chain blocks- solid blue/ red with Star Wars centre. ( 9 blocks have blue star wars centres, 6 blocks have red Star Wars centres.)
I made 12 snowball blocks- 6 blocks with dark blue Star Wars fabric with grey corners and 6 blocks red Star Wars fabric. (All blocks are 12" square.)
There are 5 blocks in each row, with 6 rows altogether.
I added a red 2 inch wide outer border with 3 red and blue 2" blocks at the corners.
Outer border is 3 inches wide, Starry Night fabric
The completed quilt measures 70" X 80" inches.
Star Wars quilt sandwich
After washing the kitchen floor, I sandwiched the quilt layers together, then pinned them well using up most of my safety pins.
Next came the decision on how to quilt the blocks.... It took a while to come up with something but I decided starts were definitely called for.
I free motion quilted wavy lines across the centres of the blue and the red snowball blocks,
The 9 patch blocks had 4 stars , one on each solid blue square. (I drew the stars freehand with an air erase pen. )
The 4 (chain) corner blocks had vertical or horizontal lines quilted on them, (alternating each row).
I finished the quilt on May the 4th ironically enough. :) |
Quilting has been completed now. |
Here is the back of the quilt showing my machine quilting:
I am really proud of this one! :D
Last : a Star Wars Pillowcase
Star Wars pillowcase |
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