Delectible Dinos Baby Quilt
Delectible Dinos |
I went to a fabulous quilt show back in late April near Olds, AB at a place called Eagle Hill. There was a huge number of very creative, stunningly beautiful, difficult looking quilts displayed there! Very impressive work!
One little baby quilt caught my eye. (Would that have anything to do with the fact that we had 3 month old twin grandbabies, you might ask???) :) The baby quilt had a dozen really cute dinosaur blocks with 3 dimensional feet and a colorful edging of 3 dimensional Prairie Points surrounding it.
The name of the quilter was displayed on each quilt, so I asked around till I found the creator of the dino quilt. I asked this creative woman what the name of the quilt pattern was and she kindly took down my name and phone number and said she would call me with that information in a few days. She very kindly did that the very next day.
The name of the pattern is "Delectible Dinos" and it is a pattern from an issue of Quiltersmakers magazine, the Sept./Oct. 2003 issue to be exact.
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Mostly half square triangles |
I went to the Quiltmaker magazine website, but they did not have that back issue available. I finally found a copy of it at the ABE books website for $12 and with the shipping costs from the USA, plus the exchange on the Canadian dollar, I paid about $26 for that magazine! What we grandma's won't do for our grand babies!!!
It is a delightful little quilt and I decided to make it for a new grandbaby which we are expecting this winter. The directions call for appliqued heads and feet; (The cute little heads actually extend out into the bottom of the next block. They are appliquéd on after the blocks are sewn together 'on the point'.
I decided to change the directions somewhat to make 3 dimensional feet just as the quilt at Eagle Hill had.
double sided 3D dinosaur feet and heads |
I dug out my template plastic and made templates for the dino heads and feet. I cut out twice as many fabric feet and also cut out feet from scraps of batting to sew them together to make 3 D feet.
I had been thinking about making a 'play quilt' for the twins who are now 6 months old and I thought a few dino blocks with interesting 3 dimensional heads as well as feet would be the ideal thing for that (and maybe a few blocks of Minkee animals for texture and cuteness from another pattern called "Hankie Blankie Pets baby quilt".) (More about that project later...)
The delectable dino blocks are all finished now. I have decided not to make a prairie point edge as the directions show, but I will add a half triangle squares border around the dino blocks instead....
If the baby turns out to be a girl, I will have to come up with a more feminine quilt top and I guess I will save "Delectible Dinos" for a future baby. :)
Happy Quilting!